Dear applicants:

Here there is the Grant to collaborate in preparation and development of the Training Manual and Training School.

The main tasks expected are:

  • Review of the index,
  • Potential new issues, Uploading new audiovisual materials
  • Coordinate these improvements to update the new materials on the website od this COST Action.


The instructions to register as candidate are the following ones:

You should register in e-COST webpage

Applicant creates a VNT application. This is in eCOST webpage, you should go to COST Actions Grant Applications (

To encode a new application, the applicant clicks on ‘Apply for grant’. The page “Apply for a new Grant”, then Virtual Networking Support.

Contains the following sections, all mandatory to be filled:

  • Applicant name: pre-filled and non-editable
  • Applicant primary affiliation: pre-filled and non-editable
  • COST Action: CA19113- The European Researchers’ Network Working on Second Victims.
  • Grant Period: AGA-CA19113-2 (01/11/2021 – 31/10/2022)
  • Title: Disseminating the Manual Training
  • Amount: 1.500€
  • Bank account: selection among bank accounts encoded in the e-COST user profile After encoding correctly the
  • VNT application form by filling all above-mentioned sections, the applicant also needs to upload the actual VNT application by uploading it as a supporting document:
    VNT grant Application template: Download the document displayed on the Webpage.
  • Upload of Grant Application document: actual VNT application. It can be submitted in various file formats and up to 2 MB in size. Uploading of multiple supporting documents is allowed.

After adding the supporting document(s), the applicant can submit the grant application.

The application status will change from draft to submitted. Prior to approval of the application, if need be, the applicant will be able to revise the application.

At this point the Committee will revise the documents and proceed to reject or approve the candidate.

Upon approval, the VNT application status will change from submitted to pre-approved.
Once the applicant is successful,the grant letter notification is sent to the applicant. The applicant could start at that moment their activities and keep in contact with the correspondant leader.

When the period has finished the Grantee has to submit the mandatory report via eCOST.

Download the Application Form.

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