Management Committee 2023 – 11th-13th, October 2023

The next ERNST – CA19113 Management Committee Meeting, scheduled for October 11th-13th, 2023, will be held in Krakow, Poland. While one session will be conducted online, attendance in person is preferred.

The meeting’s objectives include briefings from different Working Groups, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in ongoing studies, as well as making decisions about our budget and future after the current action ends. Moreover, the Management Committee hopes to establish a work plan for the upcoming Fourth Grant Period and evaluate the Third Grant Period’s progress towards their goals. This includes discussing objectives and deliverables and determining what progress can be made together.

Overall, the ERNST – CA19113 Management Committee Meeting is a crucial event that provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to come together and address critical issues in the healthcare community. With a collaborative approach, attendees can work towards achieving common goals and improving patient outcomes.


management committee 2023 - cet (poland time)

October 11 st

  • 03:30 pm – Welcome
    Basia Kutryba, Poland
  • 03:45 pm – Patient Safety approaches in Poland
  • 04:30 pm – Updating ERNST news
  • 05:20 pm Networking Time for interchanging approaches and outcomes of research, experiences, and innovations by members of the Consortium.

October 12 nd

  • 10:00 am – Reminder of the ERNST objectives and deliverables
  • 10:15 am – Making progress together, Participants are working on selected topics
  • 12:15 pm – Break
  • 02:15 pm – Reports from the WGs Reports from leaders of the WGs, TS, STSM, and Science Communication Coordinator
  • 03:30 pm – Building the work plan for the Fourth Grant Period,
    Reinhard Strametz, Germany; Jose Mira, Spain
  • 04:15 pm – Patient Safety challenges
  • 05:00 pm – Break

October 13 th

  • 10:30 am – Networking Time for interchanging approaches and outcomes of research, experiences, and innovations by members of the Consortium
  • 12:00 pm – Closing the meeting

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