COST CA19113
About ernst
The main aim of the Action is to facilitate discussion and share scientific knowledge, perspectives, and best practices concerning adverse events in healthcare institutions to implement joint efforts to support second victims and to introduce an open dialogue among stakeholders about the consequences of this phenomenon based on a cross-national collaboration that integrates different disciplines and approaches. For all of this, this network is linked with patient safety issues and the impact on the direct and/or indirectly involved healthcare professional.
This Action will bring together for the first-time various disciplines (e.g. clinicians and jurists), backgrounds (e.g. scholars, journalists, in some cases deputies), and organizations (e.g. trade unions, patients’ associations, and governmental institutions) to create new knowledge from a wide range of perspectives. It will be built on existing work and will provide opportunities to re-think local, national, and international legislation, rules, and policies, will promote changes in the curricula of healthcare professions, modify the traditional blame-culture, and broaden the scope of interventions in healthcare.

- Encouraging discussion of the meaning of the fourth criterion (Quadruple Aim) and its implications for healthcare organizations
- Further developing the theoretical conceptualisation of the SV phenomenon and developing a common understanding of its definition
- Raising general awareness of the impact of AEs on healthcare professionals (considering gender differences) and their consequences in personal, professional, social, legal, economic, and labour terms
- Achieving changes in rules and regulations facilitating discussion of the legal, ethical, and organisational gaps while promoting a common understanding of factors underlying the interventions designed to support SVs
- Understanding of the causes of clinical errors disseminating the results of the research and experiences to stakeholders (patient associations, professional societies, trade unions, healthcare manager associations, policy makers) and the general public
- Introducing new metrics on the system level that should be used to improve health workforce policy
- Encouraging inclusion of the consequences of mistakes on care providers and the implications for health sciences in the field studies curricula
- Agreeing what to do after occurring AEs, sharing knowledge about research evidence and methods to tackle this phenomenon, progressing beyond the state of the art and promoting innovation.
- Learning to tackle with the consequences of the SV phenomenon by promoting a debate in healthcare to learn from other industries
- ERNST continues with the COST Innovation Grant IG19113 RESCUE. This funding supports the development of innovative solutions for emergency response, specifically focusing on the European certification of interventions in support of second victims.